Who I am

Working in the funeral business for over ten years, I truly enjoy meeting with families and helping them in their time of need. When a death occurs, it is devastating. We’re just not ourselves. No matter who you are, as they say “death is the great equalizer.” In all the confusion, it is difficult to put on a matching pair of shoes, let alone plan a funeral service for your loved one. During that time, the family needs someone who is knowledgeable, but a bit removed emotionally, to help sort things out. I enjoy helping families by talking to them and getting to know them. It is important to do this to gain an understanding of the uniqueness of their loss. The more I learn, the better, and more personal, the service can be.

Certification through the InSight Institute ensures I have the latest and most comprehensive information known to conduct a fully personal, yet professional service, regardless of the circumstances.

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